By Nigel Barker. I like this photo because of how her arms are and then how her eyes stand out against the dark background.

By Nigel Barker. I love how the red paint looks on her face and how well it stands out against the light background. 

By Nigel Barker. I love how the model's body is positioned with the red cape flowing out behind her.

By Jason Kibbler. I really like how her eyes stand out because of the eyeliner and also how well she stands out against the black background.

By Jason Kibbler. I really love how he makes the color on her face stand out the most compared to what she's wearing.

By Jason Kibbler. I love how the shirt is patterned and how he defines he face and makes the colors around her stand out.

By Jason Kibbler. I really love how the model is posed and that he makes her look really punk and then defines her eyes with the eyeshadow. 

By Jason kibbler. I love how he makes all of her clothes stand out and then makes the background really bright.

By. Jason Kibbler. I really love this photo because of how colorful it is and how he makes the decorations in her hair stand out along with her necklace.

By Sebastian kim. I love this photo a lot because of how colorful it is and then how their hair looks. It just makes everything in the photo stand out.

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